Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Atlanta Content Strategy Meetups

We’ve been getting a great turnout for our Atlanta Content Strategy Meetup Group and rave reviews from attendees. So we must be doing something right. If you are in the area, we'd love to see you at the next event in January. We always have a very diverse group and discussion topics range far and wide.

Registration is now open for our January 21 event, Content Strategy: What’s In It for You?

Margot Bloomstein will travel to us from Boston and speak about Content Strategy: What's In It for You? Drawing cues from this year's heightened focus on content strategy, Margot will address how content strategy differs from just copywriting and how you can incorporate insights from this aspect of interaction design into your next project. Discover how the questions a content strategist brings to the table can enrich your deliverables, learn how your collaboration can benefit your end users, and discuss ways to reframe the RFP to upsell content strategy in your next pitch and bring a new partner into the project. If you're a designer, IA, search engine marketer, or any type of social media or web strategy consultant, learn how insight to content strategy can rock your work from a new angle.

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